... meetings would always be short, focused, and effective? ... all team members understand each other and trust each other completely? ... your colleagues, employees and bosses would really listen to you? And would get to the point quickly when you asked them to speak? ... there would be a culture of cooperation in your company, in which creativity is not predetermined but practiced, and therefore completely new approaches to solutions would emerge? ... and if, with all the creative teamwork, you had enough room for concentrated work? ... if every employee could follow his own rhythm? And would unfold its full potential - for your own pleasure and for the benefit of the company? And would unfold its full potential - for your own pleasure and for the benefit of the company?
If this idea sounds good for you, I would be delighted if you could read on. This page will tell you more,
- Wie die Arbeitswelt sich verändert und was das für Ihr Unternehmen bedeutet
- What relevance agility and new work have even for classical organisations
- The reason why attempts to introduce agility fail in so many companies.
- Why the most important skill of employees is self-management.
- Why the most important skill of teams is the ability to collaborate
- The two factors to bring a piece of New Work to your organization
... meetings would always be short, focused, and effective? ... all team members understand each other and trust each other completely? ... your colleagues, employees and bosses would really listen to you? And would get to the point quickly when you asked them to speak? ... there would be a culture of cooperation in your company, in which creativity is not predetermined but practiced, and therefore completely new approaches to solutions would emerge? ... and if, with all the creative teamwork, you had enough room for concentrated work? ... if every employee could follow his own rhythm? And would unfold its full potential - for your own pleasure and for the benefit of the company? And would unfold its full potential - for your own pleasure and for the benefit of the company?
If this idea sounds good for you, I would be delighted if you could read on. This page will tell you more,
- How the world of work is changing and what this means for your company
- What relevance agility and new work have even for classical organisations
- The reason why attempts to introduce agility fail in so many companies
- Why the most important skill of employees is self-management
- Why the most important skill of teams is the ability to collaborate
- The two factors to bring a piece of New Work to your organization

Twenty years ago, large, hierarchically organized companies with illustrious names were regarded as the winners of the European economy. Today they are more and more endangered:
- by employees for whom personal freedom and self-determination are more important than power and status,
- through start-ups whose disruptive innovative strength makes entire industries superfluous
- and through artificial intelligence, which is increasingly on the rise and calls on the entire business world to focus on what only humans can do: creative activities.
In the working world of tomorrow, it is not decisive whether the process is adhered to exactly, but whether the customer is enthusiastic. For this, fewer and fewer hard-working employees are needed, and more and more employees who contribute their ideas and have the ability to deal with complex situations in a solution-oriented manner.
Only companies that possess innovative power and are able to react quickly to market changes are able to survive in international and digital competition. Concepts such as agility or new work should ensure exactly this high level of flexibility, collaboration and customer orientation.
More and more classically managed companies are discovering the new, agile work concepts and want to benefit from them. Through small-scale experiments or large-scale change projects, even long-established organizations are trying to introduce agility and new work. But the project fails more often than you think.


Agility? Oh, yeah! Tomorrow we have dailiy standups! From now on a Kanban-Board And sprints, of course.
Any questions?
When companies jump on the bandwagon of agility, they believe that by introducing agile tools and methods they will soon be flexible, fast, innovative - in short: "agile". But despite the new working methods, the results often remain below expectations.
Why? Because it is not enough to use agile methods to be agile.
Those who still think in the same way as they did five or ten years ago will also deal with the new methods in the old, proven way. In an environment in which ideas and suggestions for improvement are regularly answered with "yes-but", how can people ever live an agile principle like "dare to fail fast"? Without a culture in which unfinished ideas are welcome and mistakes are seen as opportunities to improve, modern, collaborative work will not gain a foothold.
But it is bitterly necessary!
Agility? Oh, yeah! Tomorrow we have dailiy standups! From now on a Kanban-Board And sprints, of course.
Any questions?
When companies jump on the bandwagon of agility, they believe that by introducing agile tools and methods they will soon be flexible, fast, innovative - in short: "agile". But despite the new working methods, the results often remain below expectations.
Why? Because it is not enough to use agile methods to be agile.
Those who still think in the same way as they did five or ten years ago will also deal with the new methods in the old, proven way. In an environment in which ideas and suggestions for improvement are regularly answered with "yes-but", how can people ever live an agile principle like "dare to fail fast"? Without a culture in which unfinished ideas are welcome and mistakes are seen as opportunities to improve, modern, collaborative work will not gain a foothold.
But it is bitterly necessary!

Top-qualified specialists want work where they can realize important projects at eye level with other top people. They want work in which the culture is not judgmental, but appreciative and constructive, so that they can bring in all their ideas, even if they are still in their infancy. And they want work that makes sense for them and at the same time leaves enough space for family and friends.
If they do not, they do not hesitate to leave the company. Because the trend is moving more and more towards project work - and this can also be done with individual entrepreneurs. Companies that want to retain their best people are therefore well advised to offer them exactly this collaborative and flexible environment.
Build teams and companies that are so attractive and responsive to today's needs that even the best can't say "no" to your offer. This is the only way to retain highly qualified employees in the future.

Employees spend almost 50 per cent of their working hours passing on knowledge?
Three quarters of all companies confirm that communication is becoming more and more important in office work?
66 per cent of 25 to 34-year-olds prefer a flexible working model?
Executives in small and medium-sized enterprises and 40 in large companies are already allowed to work from home.
of the employees would like to work from home in order to better reconcile work and family life?
Companies in Germany believe that in 10 years, new computer-aided processes will replace a large number of office activities.

Whether people enjoy working together depends on three factors:
1. the communication culture in the team and in the company
Only when team members have learned to communicate with each other in a respectful and open manner can they really trust each other. This point is essential: only with trust are short coordination cycles, quick decisions and creative problem solutions possible.
You can improve the communication culture in your team / your company with the following workshop: "Appreciative and to the point! How to establish a communication culture in which working is a pleasure."
2. the self-control of individuals
Work happens less and less only "in the work". Knowledge workers can also sit at their company laptop at 10 p.m. after the gym The more work becomes delimited and the more flexible the working models become, the more important it is that the individual is able to set limits, organise himself efficiently and orient himself both to his own needs and to the needs of customers and colleagues.
Good self-control can be learned! The workshop : "Stress? I don't know that! Self-management through mindfulness".
3. the working techniques
How much teamwork does the team need? How much focus time does each individual need? What level of service does the client need, and where do teams stress themselves? What are the personal work preferences of each team member? And how can they be integrated in such a way that the customer is served at all times? Such questions are rarely discussed; negotiating a way of working that is coherent for everyone is not only beneficial for employee satisfaction, but also for effectiveness. And at the end of the day this is what employees want: to be successful together.
If your team still has room for improvement when it comes to self-organized cooperation and working methods, the workshop:"FLOW! How to achieve excellent results in a relaxed way".
Quite a lot. Mindfulness is the prerequisite for "living" new work and agility and not just doing agile or appearing new-work-like. To actually implement New Work, it is not enough to hire an agile project manager, train a feelgood manager and put a soccer table in the conference room.
Companies that really want to live New Work or agility must ensure that a critical mass of the workforce develops an agile mindset. Only when people's attitudes are right can they make a difference with modern tools. If the attitude remains the same, the results remain the same. Regardless of which methods the employees use.
So far, so good.
But now only very few companies have a majority of employees with agile mindsets. So the agile transformation is on the agenda: The organization must mature In concrete terms, this means that people must mature, i.e. change their behaviour Old, much-loved ways of working must be replaced with new ones, while familiar but unproductive ways of thinking must be overwritten with more productive ones.
The prerequisite for the workforce to be prepared for this change at all is that they are:
- mindful leaders who involve their employees at every step of the transformation and are willing to give up responsibility
- and attentive employees who can reflect on themselves and are interested in their personal development
In short: Mindfulness is the basic competence for any change in behaviour. Mindfulness makes it possible to assess oneself again and again adequately, to see the status quo openly and without judgement, and to take the next positive steps. Mindfulness also gives people the necessary inner stability when everything seems to be moving on the outside.

Take a look around this website! You can find it here:
- mindfulness-based business coaching
- Mindfulness trainings with different focuses (communication, mindful leadership, self-management, stress management)
- Executive development program as well as mindfulness modules for your existing executive development program
- Keynote speeches on mindfulness in business